C Family // McCall Family Photographer
L Family // McCall Family Photographer
I photographed this family right after their youngest was born. It was fun to do it again and see how much they have grown! Not to mention, Idaho spring lends itself to some vibrant greenery, which I love.
L Family // McCall Family Photographer
It was freezing during this session but these kids (and parents) were champs for this quick winter family session!
T Family // McCall Family Photographer
I usually can’t get enough of the tall ponderosas as a background, but this last shoot with that beautiful white blanket of snow is equally beautiful, I’ve decided! This family was adorable & those two siblings and their dance moves - priceless. Aren’t siblings THE BEST?
K & A // McCall Family Photographer
This sweet couple is merging their families next year and this was a shoot combining both of their kids. It was so special and they braved the frigid temps like champs!!